Last updated on May 11th, 2020 at 01:16 pm
Although harmless, the skin tags are often seen as a deformity by many. And the fact is, they do look odd and feel irritating. Do you have skin tags and wondering about how to get rid of it? If you seriously want to remove skin tags, then please avoid snagging them by jewelry or anything else as they might cause a lot of pain. And you will be surprised to know that there are natural ways to get rid of skin tags without any pain. These remedies are natural, inexpensive and safe and hence it’s much better than the surgery or any other method of removing skin tags. And today, I am sharing 16 best ways to get rid of skin tags naturally and without any pain, so read on.
Skin tags also called acrochordons are the small, soft, benign or non-cancerous growths on the skin that are usually about a few millimeters in length, although in some cases, they even become about half an inch. These are nothing but loose collagen fibers that become lodged inside the thick areas of your skin. One mostly get to find them within the skin folds of the neck, under the breasts, in the armpits, over the eyelids and also on the groin folds. There is no clarity on why these skin tags occur, but experts believe that these growths happen due to the friction where skin rubs against skin.
Skin tags are mostly common in the middle aged people, elderly and women as per Cleveland Clinic but you may get them when you are young as well, more so, if you are overweight or obese. There are many who remove skin tags through surgery which is just fine. But surgery may not be viable and affordable for everyone. So, for them, the natural remedies are safer, effective and inexpensive. And today, I am happy to talk about a few of the best natural ways to get rid of skin tags safely and easily. If you are tired of skin tags and seriously want to get rid of it, then continue reading this post.
How to spot and identify skin tags?
At times, we may get confused between warts, skin tags or other skin outgrowths that look similar. So, here are some of the best ways to identify skin tags easily.
- They kind of resemble little mushrooms with their skin stalks
- They usually are of brown or of the color of your flesh
- They are pendulum like skin growth
I am sure that now when you know how to spot and identify skin tags, you would like to know about the ways to get rid of it and that’s what we are going to discuss below.
How to get rid of skin tags fast and naturally?
In many cases, the skin tags fall off on their own but the problem occurs when they do not fall and instead grows in size causing a matter of discomfort and embarrassment. It is best to remove them as fast as possible. So, either you can go for the expensive way by going for surgeries or opt for the natural options.
Well, in high probability, the natural options will be favorable for the majority of you, so here are some of the most effective natural ways to get rid of skin tags easily and safely.
Use apple cider vinegar to get rid of skin tags
If you have apple cider vinegar at your home, then you can use it to get rid of the skin tags. The reason why this it works so well in removing sin tags is because apple cider vinegar is acidic, which in turn helps a lot in shedding the skin tags faster.
How to use – Take a cotton bud and pour a few drops of apple cider vinegar on it. Place the cotton swab on the skin tag using a tape. Let it stay for few hours and then remove it. Repeat the apple cider vinegar remedy two times on a daily basis until you are able to get rid of the skin tag.
Banana peels to get rid of skin tags
One of the other natural ways to get rid of skin tags easily and safely is by using the banana peels. The enzymes and the acids found in the peel are very helpful in shedding the skin tags. They also make them dry, so that they fall off easily.
How to use – You just need to collect a banana peel and cut a small section from it. Place the white side of the peel on the skin tag for an hour and then remove it. You may also cover it with the bandage so that it does not slip away. This remedy is quite easy to apply, and it is best if you repeat the method for a few days until you get rid of the skin tag.
Castor oil and baking soda remedy to get rid of skin tags
In order to get rid of the skin tags, the mixture of castor oil and baking soda seems to be a good option. This is because the mixture is effective in altering the pH level of the affected skin which in turns, helps in better removal of the skin tag.
How to use – Here you just need around ½ teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of castor oil. Mix the two ingredients well until you get a proper paste. Apply the mixture on your skin tags. Let it stay for about 1-2 hours and then wash off.
When you repeat this remedy for 3-4 weeks, you will see the tags disappearing slowly. However, the only problem is that the mixture of castor oil and baking soda is a bit sticky but if you are Ok with it, then it is a really nice remedy to get rid of your skin tags.
Use manuka honey to get rid of skin tags
Using manuka honey is one of the best natural ways to get rid of skin tags easily and safely. It is basically a non-peroxide type of honey which when you apply on your skin tag restricts the supply of oxygen there which in turn is beneficial in getting skin tags removed. Moreover, honey has got wound healing properties which will help your skin get healed fast after the skin tag has shredded. It will also prevent the occurrence of scars.
How to use – Take adequate amount of manuka honey and apply it on your skin tag. Cover it with a band-aid after that. Keep it for few hours and then remove it. Use the honey remedy on a daily basis until you are able to get rid of the skin tags.
Use onion to get rid of skin tags
The onion juice remedy works wonders on getting the skin tag removed. It is rich in sulfur and also contains a large variety of antioxidants which is very beneficial in healing scars if caused after the skin tag has fallen.
How to use – Take around 2-3 onion slices, 1 teaspoon of salt, half cup of water and a cotton swab. At first, you need to add the salt in the water, mix it well and then soak the slices of onion in it overnight. The next day, apply that water on your affected skin.
Repeat the remedy about 2-3 times on a regular basis and enjoy the fast improvements.
Garlic remedy to get rid of skin tags
The next in the list of effective natural ways to get rid skin tags easily and safely is the garlic remedy. Garlic is antimicrobial in nature. If you apply it on the affected skin, the skin tag will be gone. Moreover, due to the anti aging and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic, you will be able to enjoy smooth skin again.
How to use – For the benefits, you just need around 1 or 2 garlic cloves. Simply crush them and make a smooth paste. After that, apply the mixture on your skin tags. Let it stay for about an hour and then wash off your skin.
The garlic remedy is very effective. It is good if you use it two times on a regular basis.
Ginger remedy to get rid of skin tags
Ginger contains a variety of bioactive compounds that makes it a great antimicrobial and a healing agent. So, when you apply it on your affected skin, it helps in the removal of the skin tags fast.
How to use – At first take some ginger slice it thinly. Then clean your skin tag and the area surrounding it. Pat the area dry and then rub a ginger slice gently on it for about a minute or two. Leave the juice to naturally get absorbed by your skin.
The ginger remedy is a very effective one in removing skin tags. If you do it repeatedly like about 5-6 times on a regular basis, you will get to enjoy fast improvements.
Castor oil to get rid of skin tags
I have already talked about the efficiency of the mixture of castor oil and baking soda in this respect. But if you are not that confident in putting baking soda on your skin, then you may simply use only the castor oil also. This is because castor oil itself is capable enough in getting rid of the skin tags, thanks to the presence of strong phytochemicals in castor oil.
Also, castor oil is great in healing wounds and also possesses skin conditioning properties. Therefore, once the skin tag is removed, it will help in proper recovery of your skin. It will keep your skin moisturized and hydrated.
Although the castor oil remedy is a sticky one but the results are amazing. Use this remedy 2-3 times on a daily basis for fast results.
Coconut oil to get rid of skin tags
The other oil that I will recommend you to use in order to get rid of skin tags is the coconut oil. This is because of the presence of lauric acid and alpha-tocopherol in it which is helpful in removing the skin tags.
How to use – You need to take adequate amount of organic coconut oil and then apply it on your skin tags. Let it stay to get naturally absorbed by your skin. Coconut oil remedy can be used on a regular basis for quick results.
Use tea tree oil to get rid of skin tags
The tea tree oil remedy is one of the natural ways to get rid of skin tags easily and safely and you can use it to gain the maximum benefits. Tea tree oil actually helps make the affected area dry which in turn is helpful in making the skin tag fall fast. Moreover, it is also antimicrobial in nature and so it will help prevent any kind of infections once the skin tag is gone.
How to use – I always prefer blending tea tree oil with any carrier oil before applying it directly on the skin. So, I will suggest you to mix it with coconut oil or olive oil at first and then apply the mixture on your skin tag.
Use this remedy about 2-3 times on daily basis to get maximum benefits in removing skin tags.
Oregano oil to get rid of skin tags
The next oil in our today’s list is oregano oil. It is one of the most widely used oils in treating various skin conditions like eczema, acne, psoriasis etc. thanks to its antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use this oil to get rid of your skin tags as well.
How to use – You may use coconut oil along with the oregano oil to magnify the effects. Just take around 2-3 drops of oregano oil and mix it with around 5 drops of coconut oil. After they have blended properly, apply it on your skin tags.
Repeating the remedy 2-3 times regularly will give you significant improvements.
Use peppermint oil to get rid of skin tags
Peppermint oil is a great antiseptic, and it has got anti-inflammatory properties as well and that makes it the perfect oil for removing skin tags. In fact, I will suggest you to use castor oil in combination with peppermint oil because this mixture not just removes the skin tags but also soothes your skin, and reduces any swelling or inflammation which may develop.
How to use – Take around 2-3 drops of both peppermint essential oil and castor oil and mix them well. Then apply on your skin tag before going to bed. Let it stay overnight and wash it off the next morning.
Repeat the remedy on a regular basis every night before going to sleep and I am sure you will get the benefits fast.
Lemon oil to get rid of skin tags
The next remedy in the list is the lemon oil remedy for skin tags. Lemon oil is very effective in this case because it is an astringent and removes the excess water and oil from the skin tag site which favors the falling of the skin tag.
How to use – You just need adequate amount of lemon oil and then apply it on the affected skin and let it stay to get natural absorbed. However, just be careful not be expose the skin to sunlight after applying the lemon oil. This is because lemon oil being photosensitive may lead to sunburns on the exposure to sunlight.
Repeat the lemon oil remedy 2-3 times on a daily basis to enjoy maximum benefits.
Clove oil and rosehip oil remedy for skin tags
The mixture of the clove oil and rosehip oil can help you to deal with your skin tags and so you can give it a try. The clove oil contains very potent phytochemicals that is responsible for cutting the circulation to the skin tag making it fall fast. On the other hand, the rosehip oil helps in healing the skin quickly and in preventing any occurrence of scars once the skin tag has fallen.
How to use – Take around 2-3 drops of both clove and rosehip oil. Mix the two well and then dip a cotton swab in it and apply on your skin tag. Let it stay for as long as possible.
Repeat the remedy 1 or 2 times daily for maximum benefits.
Epsom salt bath remedy for skin tags
This remedy is one of the highly recommended natural remedy to get rid of skin tags. Epsom salt helps in rebalancing the pH of the skin and draws out all of the toxins which in turn help dry the skin tag and let it fall easily. Moreover, an Epsom bath, in general, is also very relaxing for your muscles, so you can definitely consider it as a good option to try.
How to use – All you need here is 1 cup of Epsom salt, warm water and a bathtub. You just have to add the salt in the water and soak your skin in it for about 10-20 minutes. Make sure the affected part of your skin gets properly soaked in it.
Alternatively, you may also take around 2 tablespoon of water in a container and add half a teaspoon of Epsom salt in it. After mixing it well, you may soak a cotton ball in the water and then apply it on your skin tags. Remove the cotton after letting it stay for about 15 minutes.
As far as the Epsom salt bath is concerned, you may get it done on alternative days and for the other alternate method, it can be done two times daily for the fast benefits.
Shea butter to get rid of skin tags
I have already told you oregano remedy where I have suggested you to use it with coconut oil. That is a good remedy but you can also consider using Shea butter as well along with the oregano oil. This is because, this combination is also great. While the oregano oil helps in the fast falling of the skin tag, the Shea butter helps in keeping the skin hydrated. Shea butter is rich in healthy fats that are great in nourishing, healing and preventing scars.
How to use – Take little amount of Shea butter in your palms and melt it using the heat of your fingertips. Now, add some oregano oil in it and mix the two. Apply on your skin tags after that.
If you use this remedy two times on a daily basis, you will see the improvements happening really fast.
The bottom line
Skin tags, although harmless are undoubtedly very annoying and are also a matter of embarrassment at times. And if you are tired of skin tags and want to get rid of it seriously, then you can try some of the remedies discussed above. But, please do not use any jewelry or clothing to uproot it as that may be quite painful for you. Surgeries are a good option to remove skin tags, but when you can get rid of naturally, why go for expensive surgery?
The remedies discussed above are all natural and inexpensive. All of these are very good, and if used properly, it’ll help you get rid of skin tags naturally. However, if none of the above remedies seems to be working for you, then you should ideally consult a doctor. However, I am quite hopeful that these remedies will work for you.
And if you know about any other natural way to get rid of skin tags, do let me know by commenting below.
Until then, stay happy and do not let those ugly skin tags upset you.