Last updated on May 11th, 2020 at 12:18 pm
Do you feel embarrassed because of dark elbows, keens and neck? Is this the reason you always prefer to wear full sleeves and try to keep yourself covered as much as possible? If you have answered yes and you are wondering about how to lighten dark elbows, keens and neck fast and naturally then here’s the post worth checking. I am sharing a number of skin care hacks and natural remedies that’ll help you to get rid of dark elbows, keens and neck fast and without any side effects.
I can understand that the color of your elbows, knees and neck is way darker than your actual skin tone, and that may bother. But, do you think hiding those body parts behind long dresses is the permanent solution? Well, certainly not. The permanent solution is to do what it takes to lighten and get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck.
The skin darkening issues in selective body parts are really very common and, in most cases, there is nothing to panic about. In fact, there are natural skin lightening ingredients that you can use in a remedy to lighten dark elbows, knee and neck. And, I am sharing these remedies and tips that’ll help you to get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck fast and naturally.
Trust me, there are many natural ingredients that can help you lighten the skin tone to a great extent, and if you apply these ingredients in the form of natural remedies consistently, then you will be able to get rid of dark elbows, neck and knees.
In today’s time, all of us are so conscious about our looks and why not, society itself demands each one of us (especially the women) to be perfect when it comes to looks and appearances.
According to me, this is really bad, but it is also a fact and because of this pressure, there are many who go to depression whenever there is any shortfall in their looks. No matter how small the issue is, like in case of dark elbows, knees or neck, society never misses an opportunity to humiliate the individual.
Well, this is sad but sometimes, dealing with the problem is more important than teaching the society what is right or wrong. When you are presentable, it is you who is going to be happy and confident and that is the most important thing needed.
So, if you are having the problem of skin darkening in some parts of your body like in your neck, knees or elbows, then you can easily get rid of it using simple and natural ingredients and remedies that I am sharing below.
But, just before sharing the remedies, won’t it be better to find out the causes of skin darkening? Of course yes, so let’s check out.
Causes behind the darkening of elbows, knees and neck
In general, individuals with a darker skin tone are more susceptible to the problem of having darker elbows, knees and neck. But there may be some other reasons behind it as well.
In fact, before knowing about the remedies and tips on how to get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck, it is important for you to know the common causes which has led to the skin darkening in certain portions of your body? Knowing these causes will actually help you get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck easily.
- Accumulation of the dead skin cells in the affected areas of your body
- Intake of the birth control pills in large amounts
- Poor hygiene and lack of proper skin care
- Very rough and dry skin
- Extreme exposure to the harsh rays of the sun resulting into hyper pigmentation
- Too much friction
- Pregnancy that may lead to melasma
- Certain skin conditions like for example, eczema and psoriasis
- Age spots
- Obesity
- Bruising or inflammations due to some previous injury
Now, that you know about the possible causes, let’s begin with the discussion on the remedies that will help you lighten dark elbows, knees and neck naturally.
How to lighten dark elbows, knees and neck naturally
Most of us take short cut routes by opting for the commercial fairness skin care products to lighten our skin tone. But, what they we to realize is that, there is no such thing as an overnight miracle when it comes to lightening dark skin tone which most of these products claim to do successfully.
In fact, many of these products contain chemicals that do more damage to the skin than good. So, when I had to deal with the issue of dark elbows and knees, I gave up the idea of using such commercial products and resolved to try natural ingredients and remedies to lighten dark elbows and knees.
Here are some of the remedies and tips to get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck naturally that you may like to consider.
Lemon juice remedy for dark elbow
Whenever I think of lightening the dark skin tone using natural means, the very first ingredient that comes to my mind is lemon juice. After all, it possesses natural skin lightening properties which you can easily use to your advantage.
Lemon juice itself is enough to give you satisfying results. But many times, lemon juice dries up the skin, so it is recommend that you use it along with honey and sugar as that will intensify the good effects. Honey can moisture your skin while sugar will help in the exfoliation and lemon helps in lightening the skin tone.
Take 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Then extract the juice of the lemon in a container. Add the honey and sugar into it, and mix all of the ingredients nicely.
After that, scrub your elbows, knees and neck using the solution, gently with soft hands. Let it stay on the affected areas for about 15-20 minutes and then wash the mixture using lukewarm water.
It is best if you repeat the remedy every alternate day to get rid of dark elbows, neck and knees fast and easily.
Aloe Vera remedy to get rid of dark elbow
The next natural ingredient in the list of remedies to get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has got a lot of skin benefits and so you can use it confidently to get rid of dark elbow, knees, neck and any other skin darkening issues. Well, this is because of the presence of aloin in Aloe Vera, which is a compound having de-pigmenting properties that is very useful in getting rid of your dark skin in your elbows, knees, neck etc.
To get the maximum benefits in lightening the affected skin, all you need to do is to extract the gel from an Aloe leaf and then apply it to the affected portions of your skin. Enjoy the soothing and cooling sensation for 20-30 minutes while the gel does its work and then wash it off with normal water.
You can use the Aloe Vera remedy on alternate days or on a regular basis to lighten dark skin areas.
Turmeric remedy
When it comes to solving skin related problems, the traditional remedies are always the best like for example the turmeric remedy. Turmeric has been used since ancient times to brighten up the skin tone. It is so popular for skin lightening that in Indian marriages, there is a ritual of putting turmeric or “haldi” on the bride and the groom to enhance their beauty.
The effectiveness of turmeric in skin brightening as per studies is mainly due to the curcumin in it which inhibits the activity of the skin pigment melanin which in turn, helps in skin lightening.
The procedure of using turmeric is also very simple. You take about 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with adequate amounts of water. Make a thick paste out of the two and then apply it on your elbows, knees and on your neck. Keep it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash it off from your skin. You may also like to add natural sandal powder to increase its effectiveness.
Repeat this remedy one time each alternate day to get significant improvements in your skin tone.
Coconut oil remedy
The easily available and the skin friendly coconut oil are next in the list. This remedy is excellent for those suffering from very rough and dry skin which is leading to the skin darkening problem. Coconut oil has a lot of antioxidants and is the perfect emollient which helps hydrate and moisturize your rough dry and dark skin. The Vitamin E in it also helps in damage repair and in lightening the color of the skin.
Take about 1-2 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and then with the help of your palms, massage it on your elbows, knees and neck very gently. Keep for half an hour and then rinse your skin.
Potato remedy
One of the simplest tips on how to get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck naturally that I would like you to consider is to use potato. Well, this is because they have got natural bleaching and skin lightening properties, thanks to the presence of catecholase in them. Potatoes not just brighten the skin but also help in keeping the skin nourished, so it is definitely one natural ingredient you should try to get rid of dark elbows and other affected skin like knees and neck.
Take a potato and cut it into slices of medium thickness. Then rub those slices on your dark elbows, knees and neck. Let it work on your skin for about 25-30 minutes and then wash it off.
Repeating this remedy on a daily basis will gives you satisfactory results.
Gram flour remedy for dark elbow
The gram flour remedy is another traditional remedy and you can seriously consider it to lighten dark elbows, knees, neck and other darker skin area. It has got excellent skin exfoliating properties which you can use to your advantage.
You just have to make a mixture with 1 tablespoon of gram flour and adequate water and then apply the thick paste on your elbows, knees and neck. Keep it for 20 minute and then wash off the mixture. Do this on a regular basis to get best results.
Almond oil remedy
If you think that almond oil is only meant for your hair, then you may be wrong because you can actually use it to lighten the dark areas of your skin as well. The presence of Vitamin E in it helps keep the skin very smooth, moisturized and rejuvenated. It also possesses bleaching or skin lightening properties which along with its sclerosant properties helps a lot in brightening the dark skin tone.
I would recommend you to use tea tree oil along with almond oil as tea tree oil helps improve blood circulation and also helps in healing the scars and the blemishes. But, if you have got a very dry and sensitive skin, you can skip the tea tree oil and simply use the almond oil to get the benefits.
In the beginning, it is recommended that you wash off the affected skin portions thoroughly using soap and water. Then after patting your skin dry, mix almond oil with tea tree oil and then massage the mixture on your affected skin. Keep it for 10 minutes and then wash off your skin.
You may use this remedy every day for maximum benefits.
Oatmeal scrub for dark elbows
If the darkening of your skin is due to the accumulation of the dead skin cells, then I would recommend you to go for the oatmeal scrub remedy. It will help you scrub off all the accumulated dead skin cells and make your skin absolutely clean. Moreover, oatmeal is also a good moisturizer that helps you deal with the skin dryness which may also be a possible reason behind your skin darkening.
In the oatmeal remedy, you can use tomato juice and rose water or olive oil to get maximum benefits.
Take some oats and then grind it into a course powder (not fine powder) and then mix it with adequate amounts of tomato juice and rose water/olive oil as per your preference. Now, apply the mixture very gently and evenly on your elbows, knees and neck. Then after 20 minutes, scrub off the mixture very gently using your wet fingertips (yes, you need to wet your fingertips at first). After that, wash the portions using cold water and pat them dry.
It is advisable that you go for the oatmeal scrub remedy two to three times on a weekly basis for the maximum results.
Yogurt to lighten dark elbows, knees and neck
The list of the remedies to get rid of dark elbows, knees and neck naturally will remain incomplete without the mention of yogurt. Well, this is because yogurt is the perfect nourishing agent which keeps your skin moisturized. It also cleans your skin of all the dirt, dead skin cells and impurities which might be leading to the skin darkening.
To magnify the good results, you can actually use it with lemon juice. The rich enzymes in yogurt with work together with the acids in the lemon juice and will help you lighten the dark skin tone easily.
Mix lemon juice and yogurt in perfect proportions and make a paste out of them. Then apply it on your elbows, knees and neck. Keep it for 20 minutes and then wash off your skin.
You can repeat this remedy once every day to get maximum benefiting in lightening dark elbows and other affected skin.
Baking soda
May sound like strange ingredients to lighten dark elbows, knees and neck but, baking soda is really very effective and hence it can be a good option for you to try. This is because it has got natural skin lightening and exfoliating properties which might actually prove to be very useful to you. It also helps in the removal of the dead skin cells from the outermost layer of your skin revealing the new and youthful looking skin underneath.
Take around 3-4 tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with a little water to make a thick paste out of it. Then apply the solution on the affected body parts. Scrub for few minutes and then let it stay for few more minutes. After that, wash off the skin using cold water.
Apply this remedy two times weekly to get maximum benefits in lightening dark elbows and other affected skin areas.
Apple cider vinegar
Just like baking soda, not many will trust on the abilities of apple cider vinegar but the reality is it is equally efficient in giving you satisfactory results as far as lightening the dark skin tone is concerned. It is mainly due to the acidic content, more specifically the presence of glycol and alpha hydroxy acids in it that helps you gain the benefits. ACV keep your skin clear and help you get rid of all the accumulated dead skin cells. It also improves your skin texture and keeps it healthy.
At first, dilute apple cider vinegar using water. Then using a cotton ball, apply the mixture on your elbows, knees and neck. Allow it to stay for 15 minutes and then wash off your skin.
Alternatively, you may use the ACV along with honey. The mixture is really effective and moisturizing. Simply mix the two and apply it on the affected portions of your skin. Then, allow it to stay for about 20 minutes and after that, wash it off using plain water.
You can use the ACV remedy whichever you want to 3-4 times weekly for significant improvements.
Over to you
Feeling shy to expose the dark elbows, knees and neck? Well, elbows and knee is a common issue faced by many of us and hiding it behind the full clothes is not the best solution. If you are tired of dark elbows and already tried different skin lightening products without much success then you may like to try natural remedies.
Yes. You heard that right. There are many natural ingredients that are readily available in your home and these ingredients can be highly effective in getting rid of dark elbows, neck, knees and other skin area that is dark.
I have already shared a number of natural remedies that can help you to lighten the dark elbows, knees and neck. All of these remedies are very effective in skin lightening and some of them have been scientifically proven to be effective as well.
Some of the ingredients that we have discussed include:
- Lemon juice
- Aloe Vera
- Turmeric
- Coconut oil
- Potato
- Gram flour
- Almond oil
- Oatmeal scrub
- Yogurt
- Baking soda
- Apple cider vinegar
And, most importantly, these ingredients being natural are absolutely safe, so there is nothing to worry about in trying these remedies.
How do you lighten the dark elbows? Feel free to share your favorite remedies by commenting below.
Stay happy, stay gorgeous.