Last updated on May 12th, 2020 at 09:05 am
Eating fruits with highest water content and drinking plenty of water is crucial during the summer to replenish fluids lost due to excessive sweating. Lack of water, followed by excessive sweating may lead to dehydration. Some of the telltale signs of dehydration are dry mouth, muscle cramps, dizziness, lightheadedness and headache. If you do not nip dehydration in the bud, it might lead to something fatal like heat stroke or kidney failure. Along with drinking enough water, it is necessary to consume fruits with high water content to maintain your body’s fluid balance. There are a lot of fruits available exclusively during the summer for this exact reason. And if you are wondering about which summer fruits to eat in summer, then read on this post. Today I am sharing the list of best fruits with highest water content that you should be eating this summer and beat the heat comfortably.
Apart from drinking plenty of water, it’s important to eat seasonal summer fruits that has good percentage of water. Some of the fruits with highest water content include watermelons, grapefruit, peaches, cantaloupe, strawberries, apricots, pineapples, etc. It is common knowledge that 70% of our body weight is water and without water, the major functions of our body will not be carried out properly. From detoxification to absorption of nutrients – water plays a significant role in keeping us healthy. 20% of our daily water intake comes from the foods we that eat, so it is important to eat water-rich fruits during the summer months to counter the excess water loss and to avoid dehydration.
Best fruits with highest water content worth eating in summer
It is inevitably that part of the year when the earth is directly under the sun drying up, not only ponds and lake, but also human bodies. As the summer season moves forward, the heat increases making us sweat and dehydrated. Dehydration is what pops into the mind whenever I think of summer. Associated with summer season are school vacations, picnics, beaches and parks. We tend to spend more time outside, which is certainly not possible during the harsh months of winter.
The sunlight is a good source of Vitamin D, true, but the UV rays outweigh the benefits of the sun rays and that’s why it’s better to wear sun protection creams and lotions when going outside.
But as you protect your skin from the UV rays, you got to be mindful in what you are eating this summer. Eating fruits with highest water content can be seriously beneficial for your health and wellbeing. Listed below are some of the best fruits with highest water content that you should be eating this summer to beat the heat and dehydration, easily and comfortably.
Watermelon is loaded with antioxidants, which eliminates the harmful free radicals and minimizes oxidative stress. It detoxifies the body flushing out toxins and excess fluids that causes swelling and bloating. Additionally, one cup of diced watermelons provides us with 4% of our daily requirement of Magnesium and 5% of our daily requirement of Potassium.
Potassium acts as an electrolyte enhancing circulatory health and boosting blow flow and hydration levels within the body. Potassium also maintains water equilibrium in the gut, which prevents us from getting dehydrated.
As per this study, watermelon was effective in reducing muscle soreness post exercise. The high water content of the fruit keeps you hydrated during workouts. The B Vitamins in it is necessary for energy production. According to this study, eating raw watermelon or drinking fresh watermelon juice is effective in reducing blood pressure and arterial stiffness in people with elevated blood pressure. As per another report, the amino acid citrulline is metabolized into arginine in our body, which is used in the synthesis of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide enhances our immune system, driving away sicknesses and shortening the duration of our illnesses.
One plum (66gms) contains 57.6gms of water. A study published in 2009 in the Journal of Medicinal Food suggests that plums are a powerhouse of natural anti-oxidants and protect granulocytes from oxidative stress. The study was conducted to test the antiradical activity of seven varieties of plums, and their protective effects against oxidative stress were comparatively evaluated in the white blood cells of mice. As plums are rich in potassium, which is an electrolyte, it is required for the coherent functioning of cells and tissues of the body. Eating plums, thus, helps in regulating muscle contractions and acid-base balance in the body.
Plums contain essential minerals like copper and iron, which abet in forming red blood cells and promote purification of the blood and healthy blood circulation. Copper is an anti-oxidant, which is crucial for nerve health and helps in the formation of collagen. Consuming copper also keeps diseases like anemia at bay, as it aids in absorption of copper.
Plums boost the immune system of the body due to its high concentration of Vitamin C. Studies suggest that oriental plums consist of immunostimulatory constituents that enhance production of nitric oxide, obstruct the metastasis of tumor as well as prevent other diseases. Vitamin C can improve overall health and provides protection from a number of illnesses ranging from common cold to malaria, diarrhea, etc. According to an article published in 2006 in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Vitamin C contributes to maintaining the redox integrity of cells and hence protects against reactive oxygen radicals produced during respiratory burst and in response to inflammation.
About one-cup sections with juice (230gms) of grapefruit contain 203gms of water. With almost 91% water content, grapefruits are rich in electrolytes that maintain the fluid balance in our bodies.
Some other nutrients that one-cup sections with juice (230gms) of grapefruit provides us with are 120% of our daily requirement of Vitamin C, 53% of our daily requirement of Vitamin A, 5% of our daily requirement of Calcium, 7% of our daily requirement of Folate, 9% of our daily requirement of Potassium, 4% of our daily requirement of Phosphorus, etc.
An organic compound found in grapefruits, called Nootkatone stimulates energy production of our body, which enhances metabolism. This, in turn helps you to lose weight. Nootkatone does not only avert obesity but also improves overall physical performance. Phytochemicals naringenin and limonin present in grapefruit, has shown the ability to diminish mouth, colon, lung, skin, breast and stomach cancers. The researchers say, “They decrease inflammation and increase enzymes that deactivate carcinogens.” The Vitamin C in apricots is essential for collagen formation and skin protection.
One large strawberry weighing contains 16.4gms of water. Although all berries are good for hydration, strawberries are the best with almost 92% water content.
The nutrients in strawberries detoxify the body by replenishing your gut health, boosting regularity and supplying anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants. The dietary fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C in strawberries neutralize and flush out the toxins and free radicals that are detrimental to your good health. The roughage keeps your digestive system in good shape, reduces gut inflammation, thereby averting digestive conditions like leaky gut.
Long-term consumption of berries and flavonoids are linked with reduced rates of cognitive damage in aged adults. Higher rate of berry consumption leads to diminished rate of oxidation damage in the brain.
Additionally, the anti-oxidants in strawberries provide protection against the harmful UV rays of the sun along with improving skin hydration, skin elasticity and sebum production, minimizing wrinkles and skin discoloration, and diminished risk of skin cancer.
One medium melon of cantaloupe weighing 552gms contains 498gms of water. It also contains 42% of our daily requirement of Potassium, which is an electrolyte we lose during sweating. Potassium deficiency is one of the main reasons of dehydration.
Melons, including cantaloupe, are considered alkaline foods, which means they are able to maintain the natural pH level of the body. Diseases thrive in an acidic environment and hence, eating cantaloupe will keep illnesses and diseases away. Since one medium melon contains only 9% of our daily requirement of calories, it is a great addition to a weight loss diet.
Cantaloupe is a nutrient dense food, especially rich in electrolytes, which is beneficial for detoxification. As the fruit helps get rid of excess fluid and water retention, symptoms of bloating and swelling are reduced. Potassium stimulates blow flow and hydration levels within the body, allowing more oxygen to reach your cells. It retains only the adequate amount of water in the gut, prevention dehydration. The high water content of cantaloupe keeps the digestive tract hydrated, while efficiently expelling toxins and wastes from our gut. It is easy to digest. Cantaloupe is free of fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols or FODMAs, which are difficult to digest carbs that can activate digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS.)
One 175 gms peach contains 155 gms of water. Peach contains anti-oxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and carotenoids that eliminate free radicals and reduce oxidative damage. The portion of the peach you eat, decides the anti-oxidative benefits you receive. Like, according to researchers, a higher concentration of antioxidants is present in the peel than in the pulp. Peach is especially rich in an antioxidant called caffeic acid. It protects the body from fatal carcinogenic mold aflatoxin, which is found often in certain foods like peanuts, peanut butter and corn. Caffeic acid is reported to reduce aflatoxin by 95%.
Peaches also possess anti-inflammatory properties. They inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines and subdue the release of histamines in the bloodstream, which causes allergic reactions. The antioxidant lutein in peaches is quite beneficial for your eyes. Lutein maintains your eye health and prevents macular degeneration.
One pineapple fruit weighing 905 gms contains 778gms of water. Pineapple consists of a massive 131% of our daily value of the antioxidant; Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid boosts the activity of white blood cells and reduces the onset of illnesses. Being an antioxidant, it reduces inflammation and fights against free radicals, which could mutate healthy normal cells to cancerous ones. Vitamin C synthesizes collagen, which is the principle protein responsible for sustaining organs and blood vessels. The Vitamin C in pineapple is also quite helpful in healing sunburn or skin irritation.
According to this study, long-term dietary supplementation with fresh or unpasteurized frozen pineapple juice with active bromelain enzymes is safe and efficiently reduces inflammation severity of colitis. There is another research done on patients of sinusitis, which is the inflammation of cavities around nasal passages. Sinusitis could be the result of an autoimmune disease, an infection or allergy. The study concluded that bromelain from pineapple lead to a notably faster recovery than standard treatment.
Pineapple is a rich source of dietary fiber and studies have confirmed that the patients of type-II diabetes show signs of improvement in their blood glucose level, insulin level and lipid with regular intake of fiber. Fiber keeps away colorectal cancer. It will remove constipation and irritable bowel syndrome and promote smooth working of the digestive tract.
One large apple weighing 223gms contains 191gms of water. Apples are low in Saturated fats, Cholesterol and Sodium and are rich in Dietary Fibers and Vitamin C.
The phytonutrients in apples protect your digestive system from oxidative stress, regulate the pH levels and terminates acidity by alkalizing the body. Apples being high in dietary fiber are superb natural treatment for constipation. Pectin found in apples is a natural diuretic and mild laxative, which is useful when it comes to treating excess water retention and bloating. Vitamin C in apples is a strong antioxidant that is good for your eyes, brain, skin and immune system. Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C is very efficient in fighting off free radicals and protecting your cells from being mutated into cancerous ones.
Your metabolic good health depends a lot on this particular vitamin, especially when it comes to repairing tissues of the skin and eyes. Apple cleanses the body of the harmful bacteria and toxins that causes serious damage if not removed regularly. The roughage in apple boosts your satiety, regulates blood sugar levels and improves the functioning of your digestive system.
One apricot (35gms) contains 30.2gms of water. The potassium and sodium contained in them maintains the electrolyte balance in your bodies. Fluid imbalance can lead to severe dehydration and apricots are super efficient when it comes to preventing just that. Moreover, apricots are very good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Carotenoids and Copper. They are also rich in both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. According to one animal study, apricots provide considerable protection against fatty liver and liver damage. According to yet another animal study, apricots were found to promote liver regeneration.
Apricots are chock full of antioxidants carotenoids like, beta-carotene, gamma-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants keep away chronic illnesses like cancers and heart diseases and hence, it should be in your diet.
Over to you
Watermelons, apples, strawberries, plums, peaches, apricots, pineapple, grapefruit and cantaloupe are the summer fruits with the highest water content. They help stabilize the hydration quotient of your body, while fighting off dehydration. Moreover, all these fruits are quite nutrient dense and provide the essential vitamins and minerals required to maintain a healthy living. These fruits are also helpful in controlling your calorie-intake as they provide little to no calories per serving. The water-rich foods cleanse your digestive system, flushing out the wastes and toxins, produced during the various metabolic activities in your body.
However, overconsumption of these fruits may lead to digestive discomfort. Like, eating too much watermelons cause indigestion and vomiting. Overconsumption of pineapple causes swelling and tenderness in lips and cheeks, overconsumption of apples may erode your tooth enamel and cause weight gain. Regulated intake of these fruits poses no threat to your health. I case of allergies, do consult your physician to moderate the doses of these fruits.
Fruits are a solid must if you are trying to stay healthy and fit. The phytonutrients and carotenoids forms a large part of healthy lifestyle. All fruits are healthy but in summer, your priority must be the fruits that are rich in water. The more you eat these fruits, the more protection from dehydration you get. You can eat the fruits raw, juice them, or make them into smoothies. Make sure you eat at least, two cups of fruits daily to maintain the nutrient balance of your body.
Have you tried any of these fruits lately? If not, pick up one of these fruits now and experience their benefits first hand.
Until then, stay healthy and look gorgeous!