Last updated on May 12th, 2020 at 09:49 am
There are a few fruits that particularly help you to get rid of the wastes and toxins from your body. They keep your digestive system working in optimal condition, while regularly flushing out the harmful toxins from our body. Fruits rich in roughage or dietary fibers are distinctly useful when it comes to detox. Nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A with their anti-inflammatory properties are convenient when you are going through a detox routine. Detoxing your body not only keep diseases away but also helps you lose weight and delay ageing. And if you are not sure about which fruits to add in your diet to detox, then here’s the post worth checking. Today in this post, I am going to talk about 7 of the best super fruits that are worth adding in your diet to detox.
Detoxing your body is necessary in today’s world because of all the pollutants we breathe in or the junk foods we consume without thinking. The toxins, if not regularly eliminated will mess with your metabolic functions and take a toll on your immunity and overall health. Once you cleanse your system from inside, it gets reflected on the outside too. Detoxing makes your skin glow and your hair lustrous and smooth. In this post, I will be talking about some of the best fruits that can be added to your diet to detox to get rid of the toxins accumulated in your liver and kidneys.
Best fruits worth adding in diet to detox
There’s nothing new to say about health benefits of fruits compared to what you don’t know already. Fruits are an incredible natural source of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and dietary fibers. Regular consumption of fruits keeps an insane number of diseases away, hence the saying, “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Phytochemical containing fruits like cranberries or citrus fruits are especially healthy since phytochemicals provide us with benefits beyond basic nutrition like, keeping away chronic illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc. Consuming two to two-and-a-half-cup of fruits daily is rewarding and highly beneficial for your health.
As you know, different fruits have different properties and there are a few fruits that help in detoxifying the system and that’s what we are going to discuss in today’s post. Here’s the list of best super fruits that should be added in your diet to detox because they are highly effective in detoxifying our system.
One cup of raw lemon juice (244gms) contains the following nutrients:
- 112mg of Vitamin (187% of DV)
- 7mcg of Folate (8% of DV)
- 1gmof Dietary Fiber (4% of DV)
- 1mg of Vitamin B6 (6% of DV)
- 303mg of Potassium (9% of DV)
- 4mg of Magnesium (4% of DV)
- 221gms of Water
Lemon contains negligible amount of cholesterol, sodium and saturated fats. It is a superb source of Folate, Vitamin C and Potassium.
Lemon juice is extremely advantageous when it comes to detoxification. The atomic structure of lemon juice is similar to the atomic structure of the digestive juices in your stomach. This similarity deceives the liver into producing bile, which aids in the smooth movement of food through gastrointestinal tract. Lemon water is especially useful in treating indigestion or an upset stomach. Lemon allows your body to process the nutrients in your food more slowly and effectively.
Better absorption of nutrients means no bloating. Lemon water promotes the enzyme functions in your body and stimulates the activity of liver hence, flushing out wastes and toxins. The Vitamin C in lemon juice boosts your immune system, which in turn, keeps illnesses away. Pectin, a type of fiber found in lemons helps you increase your satiety and checks your food intake, thus helping you to lose weight.
One cup of cubed papaya (140gms) contains the following nutrients:
- 5gms of Dietary Fiber (10% of DV)
- 5mg of Vitamin C (144% of DV)
- 1531 IU of Vitamin A (36% of DV)
- 2mcg of Folate (13% of DV)
- 360mg of Potassium (10% of DV)
- 14mg of Magnesium (3% of DV)
- 124gms of Water
Papaya is low in saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Potassium and Folate.
Papain is a compound found in papaya that facilitates easy digestion of protein. The pancreatic enzymes are also akin to papain’s structure. Due to its ability to break complex amino acid bonds, papaya is especially beneficial for people with low stomach acid, who may not be able to digest meat properly. Digestive disorders like leaky gut or inflammatory bowel syndrome are treated well by papain present in papaya.
Being a good detox agent papain is also a natural solution to constipation. Papaya has also been linked with preventing colon cancer. The digestive fiber or roughage and lycopene in the fruit are known to reduce the cancer-causing toxins in our digestive system. The antioxidant and anti-parasitic properties of papaya make papaya an even more effective cleansing super fruit.
One cup of raw pineapple chunks (165gms) contains the following nutrients:
- 3gms of Dietary Fiber (9% of DV)
- 9mg of Vitamin C (131% of DV)
- 2mg of Vitamin B6 (9% of DV)
- 7mcg of Folate (9% of DV)
- 5mg of Manganese (76% of DV)
- 2mg of Copper (9% of DV)
- 8mg of Magnesium (5% of DV)
- 180mg of Potassium (5% of DV)
- 142gms of Water
Pineapple contains negligible amount of Sodium, Saturated Fats and Cholesterol. It is an excellent source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Manganese, Copper and Vitamin B6.
Bromelain in pineapple works in a similar way as Papain in papaya. Bromelain helps break down complex proteins into amino acids. For this reason, pineapple has been known as an age-old remedy for acid reflux, heartburn and other digestive issues. Pineapple is also beneficial in inhibiting autoimmune responses due to food allergies.
A research in Japan concluded that pineapple helped ease the symptoms of celiac disease owing to its bromelain content. High Vitamin C content of pineapple also ensures the reduced risk of coronary heart diseases. The high water content of pineapple is also useful when it comes to flushing out toxins and cleansing our system.
One cup of halved strawberries (152gms) contains the following nutrients:
- 3gms of Dietary Fibers (12% of DV)
- 4mg of Vitamin C (149% of DV)
- 5mcg of Folate (9% of DV)
- 1mg of Vitamin B6 (4% of DV)
- 6mg of Manganese (29% of DV)
- 233mg of Potassium (7% of DV)
- 138gms of Water
Strawberries are low in Cholesterol, Sodium and Saturated Fats and are a very good source of Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber, Manganese and Potassium.
The nutrients in strawberries aids in restoring our digestive system by cleansing it, enhancing digestive regularity and supplying anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants. Two of the most necessary nutrients for detoxification are Vitamin C, Vitamin A and dietary fiber. These three are the ones that keep away inflammation, flush out toxins and eliminate the threat that free radicals poses to our system.
The roughage or dietary fiber prevents constipation and adds to gut flora by stabilizing the pH level of your gut and gut inflammation, which can lead to diseases like leaky gut syndrome. The anti-oxidants ellagitannins and ellagic acid have been associated with several health benefits and cancer prevention.
Black Currant
One cup of raw black currant (112gms) contains the following nutrients:
- 203mg of Vitamin C (338% of DV)
- 258 IU of Vitamin A (5% of DV)
- 1mg of Vitamin B6 (4% of DV)
- 3mg of Manganese (14% of DV)
- 361mg of Potassium (10% of DV)
- 9mg of Magnesium (7% of DV)
- 8mg of Water
Black currant is very low in Saturated Fats, Cholesterol and Sodium, while being high in Vitamin C, Manganese and Potassium.
Consuming berries like black currant or strawberry produces butyrate, a fatty acid that helps in weight loss. The anthocyanins in black currant possess several health promoting properties like, averting cancer, maintaining heart health, controlling obesity and even diabetes. The anmthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that eliminate free radicals and prevent cell mutation and cell damage. These anthocyanins are also known to lower the risk of vision loss and boosts blood flow to the eyes in glaucoma patients.
For detoxing purposes, you can either, eat the berries raw or crush them, add them in water and let the mix rest for about half an hour.
One cup of raw, chopped apples (125gms) contains the following nutrients:
- 3gms of Dietary Fiber (12% of DV)
- 7mg of Vitamin C (10% of DV)
- 5 IU of Vitamin A (1% of DV)
- 1mg of Vitamin B6 (3% of DV)
- 134mg of Potassium (4% of DV)
- 3mg of Magnesium (2% of DV)
- 107gms of Water
Apples are low in Saturated fats, Cholesterol and Sodium and are rich in Dietary Fibers and Vitamin C.
The phytonutrients in apples protect your digestive system from oxidative stress, stabilize the pH levels and terminates acidity by alkalizing the body. Apples being high in fiber are superb natural remedy for constipation.
Pectin found in apples is a natural diuretic and mild laxative, which is useful when it comes to treating excess water retention and bloating. Vitamin C in apples is a strong antioxidant that is good for your brain, eyes, skin and immune system. This particular Vitamin is very efficient in fighting off free radicals and protecting your cells from being mutated into cancerous ones. Your metabolic health depends a lot on Vitamin C especially when it comes to repairing tissues of the skin and eyes.
Apple cleanses the body of the harmful bacteria and toxins that causes serious damage if not removed regularly. The fiber in apple enhances your satiety, regulates blood sugar levels and ameliorates the functioning of your digestive system.
One pomegranate (282gms) contains the following nutrients:
- 3gms of Dietary Fiber (45% of DV)
- 2mg of Vitamin C (48% of DV)
- 2mcg of Vitamin K (58% of DV)
- 2mg of Vitamin B6 (11% of DV)
- 107mcg of Folate (27% of DV)
- 4mg of Copper (22% of DV)
- 666mg of Potassium (19% of DV)
- 3mg of Manganese (17% of DV)
- 220gms of Water
Pomegranates are very low in Sodium, Saturated Fats and Cholesterol, while being rich in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Folate and Vitamin K.
Pomegranates contain Punicalagins, which are incredibly powerful antioxidants found in the peel and juice of the fruit. The anti-oxidizing capacity of pomegranate juice is found to be higher than that of green tea or red wine. As per this study, pomegranates can bring down inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract remarkably. Studies have also revealed that pomegranates have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties enhance your immune system and keep away infections like periodontitis, gingivitis and denture stomatitis.
Pomegranates are a wonderful liver cleanser. Both the soluble and insoluble fiber found in pomegranates improves satiety and increases bulk in body waste. It makes you ‘regular’, boosts digestion and eliminates fats and toxins from your body. Pomegranates are also known to protect the super-filters of kidneys from damage done by toxins. This fruit not only protects the health of your liver but also helps in repairing any damage done to it by alcohol or substance abuse.
How to make detox water at home?
Detox water basically is fruits and herbs infused water. You can make different types of detox water and drink for various health benefits.
Making detox is pretty simple and you can make detox at home and here’s what you have to do to make detox water.
- Properly wash the fruits and herbs you want to infuse in water.
2. Cut all the fruits you want to add to your detox water.
3. Take a glass bowl or jug and pour in the sliced fruits and water
4. Refrigerate the water for 4 hours to up to 12 hours depending how much time you have.
5. Take out the jug from the fridge and remove the fruits and herbs you have added.
Your detox water is ready to drink now.
Over to You
Lemon, Papaya, Pineapple, Strawberry, Black Currant, Apple and Pomegranate – are all well known super fruits that cleanses your liver and boosts your overall health. The anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A and roughage play a key role in carrying out the detox. The toxins and wastes of our metabolic processes need to get flushed out on a regular basis to keep our body working at an optimal condition. Including one of these fruits or perhaps a combination of these fruits will help you achieve and maintain the peak-level of your health.
Some of these fruits might have a few side effects like, pomegranate, if consumed with blood pressure lowering medications can lead to lethal hypotension. Sometimes pomegranate juice interferes with liver enzymes and leads to medical complications. Papaya, in some cases causes an upset stomach and renal stones. Bromelain sometimes may lead to swelling of cheeks and mouth. Other than these, the above-mentioned fruits are pretty safe to eat.
When buying the fruits, choose the organic ones to avoid the synthetic hormones, pesticides and insecticides sprayed on the crops cultivated inorganically. Instead of frozen, go for the fresh ones. Make sure the fruits are well ripe, especially pineapple. You may eat them raw or add them to your fruit salads or bowl of oats. Regulate your consumption as all these fruits except lemon contain a good amount of sugar.
Have you added any of these to your diet yet? If not, make sure to add them today and experience their benefits first hand.
Until then, stay healthy and gorgeous!
Nutrition data source: nutritiondata.self.com
Good sugession