Last updated on May 11th, 2020 at 01:17 pm
Soft and smooth hands are a symbol of warmth, generosity and hospitality. But, sadly, it is hard to maintain the soft and smooth texture of the hands nowadays thanks to all the harshness around. Be it due to the exposure to the sun, or harsh dry weather or excessive pollution, to using chemical based products or due to age factors to health-related reasons, our hands can easily become rough, dry and loses the softness that they once had. Lack of proper care is another important factor behind the roughness of hands so it is very essential and hence it becomes important to look after your hands properly. And if you are not sure about how to look after and maintain the softness and smoothness of your hands, then here’s the post worth checking. Today I am sharing the best tips and remedies that’ll help you to get soft and smooth hands, fast and naturally.
I know this is quite upsetting but you need not worry too much about rough hands, as the problem is not so serious and can be taken care of easily. Well, the simplest way to say goodbye to dry rough hand days and bring back the lost softness and smoothness in them is by pampering them on a frequent basis.
Hands are one of the most active parts of our body and without hands; we will not be able to do our daily chores. But, the thing is, due to all the hard work that our hands do, they end up being very dry and rough. Now, such rough hands are very unwelcoming, so the faster you make them smooth, the better for you. I mean you must have noticed how soothing the hands of babies are, and if you want to achieve that same hands texture, then you do need to take out time to look after your hands to make it soft and smooth.
To pamper your hands, you don’t need to use the very expensive market products because there are natural ingredients available in your home, those if used properly will do the magic for you. Moreover, they will also save you from overspending. And, if you are not sure about the ingredients and how to use it to get soft and smooth hands, then just read on, because I am going to answer everything worth knowing about how to get soft and smooth hands naturally and quickly. If you use these ingredients and remedies correctly and sincerely, then I am sure, you will be benefitted immensely.
So, are you ready to explore the remedies to get soft and smooth hands?
I guess you are, so let’s dive in.
8 Best home remedies to get soft and smooth hands quickly
Beautiful, soft and smooth hands do add to an individual’s overall charm and persona. If you just think it is the face, height, complexion or the figure that only matters, then you may be wrong. Ask anyone who suffer from the problem of sweaty hands, because they know the embarrassment due wet and sweaty hands. Now, there’s problem might be different from yours but doing handshake with rough dry cracked hands is also not cool and is a matter of embarrassment and concern. So, please do take it seriously and work a little on it and you will be able to get soft and smooth hands easily.
Listed below are a few of the best home remedies that’ll help you to get soft and smooth hands and palm easily.
Virgin coconut oil to make your hands soft and smooth
The first in the list of the home remedies to get soft and smooth hand is the virgin coconut oil remedy. You already know how nourishing and moisturizing the virgin coconut oil is. Moreover, as per studies, the coconut oil possesses emollient properties which increases the skin hydration and also improves the skin surface lipid levels. So, when you apply it topically, your hands become very smooth and soft.
How to use
Just take around 1-2 teaspoons of extra virgin oil and then apply it generously on both of your hands. Wear gloves after that as that will enable better penetration of the oil into your skin. You can do this before going to bed and leave the oil to work on your hands overnight and wash it off the next morning. You may even use it some other time, but keep it for a few hours before washing.
The coconut oil remedy is a very good, and if you use it once or twice on a regular basis, you will experience the improvements very fast.
Use egg yolk to make your hands soft and smooth
Besides the eggs being tasty and healthy, they serve a lot of our purposes as far as beauty is concerned. And, now, you can use the egg yolk to get rid of dry, rough and cracked hands as well. The reason why it is recommended is because egg yolk contains lecithin which is an emollient having extraordinary skin conditioning properties. Therefore, when you apply it on your hands, your hands become very soft, smooth and nourished.
How to use
You just need 1 egg yolk. At first whisk it really well and then apply evenly on both your hands. Keep it for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off. You may use a mild soap in order to get rid of the odor.
If you use this remedy about 3-4 times on a weekly basis, you will be highly benefitted.
Oatmeal to make your hands soft and smooth
The next ingredient that I will recommend you to use in order to make your hands soft and smooth is the oatmeal. This is a great remedy to get rid of the dryness from the hands thanks to its moisturizing and skin barrier improving properties which is already proven by science. Trust me, if you use it generously and sincerely, you will be able to enjoy the results very fast.
How to use it
Here, you need 1 tablespoon of powdered oatmeal and about half tablespoon of coconut oil. I want you to use coconut oil in this remedy because it is going to magnify the results. Mix both the ingredients really well and then apply it on your hands. After keeping it for about 10-15 minutes, wash off your hands. Alternatively, you may also use any moisturizer that is made of oatmeal as well. Although the second remedy takes minimal effort but I prefer the first one because it is natural.
The oatmeal remedy must be used once on a daily basis for the significant improvements.
Sugar scrub to make your hands soft and smooth
If your hands have become very dry and rough due to the accumulation of dry skin cells, then you need something that will exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin. And, when it comes to that, I think homemade sugar scrub is the simplest and the best remedy to go for. In fact, it is good for your skin in general as well, so use it for skin care.
How to use
In this remedy also, using coconut oil is advisable. So, take around half tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Blend the two well and then apply it on both your hands. Scrub gently for some time and then wash off your hands. Apply a good and mild moisturizer after that.
Use the sugar scrub remedy 1-2 times weekly for maximum benefits.
Aloe Vera to make hands soft and smooth
The list of home remedies to make your hands soft and smooth will remain incomplete without the mention of aloe vera. Aloe vera has got a lot of benefits and so, there is no way you can give it a miss. As far as making your hands soft and smooth is concerned, you can definitely use Aloe Vera because its extracts are rich in polysaccharides which moisturizes your skin and make it smooth and soft.
How to use
You need to extract around 1 tablespoon of aloe gel from the aloe leaf. Then blend the gel and gently apply it on your hands. Let it stay for about 15-20 minutes and then wash off your hands. If you have got extra gel, then it is best if you freeze it for future usage.
Using this 1-2 times regularly will lead to amazing results.
Honey to make your hands soft and smooth
Honey is another ingredient which you cannot give a miss if you want to make your hands soft and smooth. The primary reason behind it is honey has got emollient properties, so when you apply it on your dry hands, it hydrates, moisturizes and soothes the skin and make the hands very soft and smooth.
How to use
Take adequate amount of raw honey and apply it gently and evenly on both your hands. Keep it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash your hands.
Use honey 1-2 times daily to get the maxim benefits in getting smooth and soft hands.
Almond oil to get soft and smooth hands
In case you thought that almond oil is only meant for making your hair healthy, then think again because you can use it to make your hands soft and smooth as well. The reason why almond oil is recommended is because it is rich in high amounts of fatty acids that can moisturize, nourish and make the hands softer.
How to use
Take adequate amount of sweet almond oil and apply it on both your hands. Let it stay to get naturally observed by your skin. In case you have plan to keep the oil overnight on your hands, I will recommend you to wear gloves for that.
This almond oil remedy works best when used twice on a regular basis.
Vaseline to get soft and smooth hands
Despite Vaseline being a commercial product, I feel that it is extremely safe and effective, so I will definitely include it in the list of home remedies to get soft and smooth hands. Most of the time we have it in our home, so I think using it will not be a problem.
Needless to say, that the Vaseline has got moisturizing properties and so, applying it generously will help you solve your problem of dry, rough and cracked hands.
How to use
The remedy is very simple and easy to use. Before going to bed, just take some Vaseline and apply it on your hands. Then wear cotton gloves and go to sleep. Wash your hands the next morning.
It is best if you use it on a regular basis. You will see the improvements just after a few applications.
Preventive measures to avoid your hands getting rough dry and cracked
The above-mentioned home remedies to make your hands soft and smooth are great but what if you can completely avoid this situation? That’ll be great right? So here are a few preventive measures that you can take to avoid your hands getting rough, dry and cracked.
To begin with, let me tell you that you need to eat the right kind of foods and apply maximum caution to avoid your hands getting exposed to any kind of harshness.
Here is a list of preventive measures worth considering to avoid getting your hands dry, rough and cracked:
Get rid of the habit of obsessive hand wash
Most of us have the habit of washing the hands excessively. I mean it is obviously important to wash your hands when needed but excessive washing can be harmful and leave your hands dry. This is because most of the time you will use the soap or the hand wash which robs your hands of the moisture and the natural oils and makes them dry and cracked.
You might think that washing hands is important and I agree but when this washing turns into an obsession, then that is not at all good for the skin of your hands.
Wear gloves
You need the help of your hands to do almost all kind of work. So, if you are about to get involved in a work that involves you using water for a long time, then it is advisable that you wear gloves. Like for example, if you have to do some washing be it clothes or some utensils, then if you wear gloves, your hands will be protected from the exposure to both water and detergent, which in turn is important to keep your hands soft and supple.
Use a humidifier
If you live in a place where the weather is too dry, then you may use a humidifier in your home. This will help in keeping the indoor air moist.
Avoid air dryers
In order to avoid your hands getting too dry, make this your habit to avoid using air dryers. It is advisable that you use tissues instead.
Use good quality soaps and hand wash
Over washing your hands is bad but you do need to wash your hands when needed and when you do that, make sure you use a good quality soap or hand wash that will not damage your skin and leave it dry.
Stop biting your nails
Please stop biting your nails all the time. It not just makes your hands look ugly but also damages the skin around your nails. Also, it can lead to greater problems like infections. So, please control this habit of yours as much as possible.
Keeping the cuticles nourished and soft often help in resisting the temptation. And, so you may use chap sticks.
Follow a proper skin care routine
While taking care of your skin, make sure you do not miss out your hands. Proper cleansing, toning, and moisturizing is required to keep your hands soft and supple.
You must not miss out exfoliating your hands as well. Try to do it at least once weekly and get rid of the dead skin cells that may be causing your hands to become dry and rough.
Wear sunscreen
Excessive exposure to the sun is another reason behind the damage. So, it is advised that you wear sunscreen when you are going out in the sun for a long time. Also, try to wear covered clothes as much as possible.
Avoid using hot water frequently
I know it is a little hard during the winter months but still I will request you to avoid using hot water on your hands as much of possible. This is because hot water strips off the natural oils from your skin and make them very rough and dry.
You must have seen that when your hands are exposed to hot water, then they turn red. This is because the blood vessels beneath the skin surface gets dilated. The capillaries open and more amount of blood flows to your hands resulting to more loss of fluid.
Drink plenty of water
Dehydration leads to your skin getting dry. So, in order to avoid that, please drink plenty of water on a regular basis. It is good for your general wellbeing as well.
Eat right
Maintain a balanced diet. Eat all the healthy food items that will nourish your skin. And, please avoid all of the unhealthy stuffs. Also, try to avoid smoking and drinking as they have a lot of harmful effects on your skin, so they are best avoided.
Take medical help when needed
If the problem of dry hands is due to any skin condition like eczema and psoriasis, then please do not delay much and take medical help immediately.
Our hands are exposed to so much of harshness on a daily basis that it makes them very dry, rough and cracked. And, so, we must take efforts to protect them as much as possible. Firstly, you need to identify the causes behind the occurrence and then apply correct remedies to get soft and smooth hands.
In today’s post, we have already discussed about various remedies hacks that’ll help you get smooth and soft hands. We have also discussed about the common factors leading to the problem of dry hands so that you can prevent its occurrence in a better way. And, for the ones who are already suffering from the problem, they can try some of the remedies to get soft and smooth hands that we have discussed above.
I have also given a list of preventive measures. It is advisable that you do not ignore them as they will help you avoid the problem of dry hands much more effectively and you won’t even require the remedies in that case.
I hope this post has helped you and made you more cautious and aware. Do share your feedbacks and questions if any by commenting below.
Also, if you have any quarries or suggestions, do let me know. Also, if you know about any other natural remedies to make hands soft and smooth, then let us know about that as well.
Last but not the list, I want to thank you all for your support till date and hope that you will continue supporting us in the future.
Till then, stay happy, stay beautiful.