Last updated on May 12th, 2020 at 08:42 am
The problem of obesity or being overweight is a serious issue which is increasing on an alarming rate. Even if being overweight is not considered as a disease, extreme stage of obesity is considered like a disease. Maintaining a balanced diet and regular workouts are by far the best possible ways to maintain proper body weight. But if you want to intensify the good effects, then you may take the help of the essential oils. Yes, you have heart it right; essential oils indirectly contribute a lot to effective weight loss. Today, I have taken up this topic and will discuss with you about the top 11 essential oils to lose weight fast and easily. I am also sharing the detailed tips on how to use these essential oils to lose weight fast and get maximum benefits. If you are working hard to lose some weight and wondering what else can be added to your weight loss efforts, try including essential oils.
Obesity can occur due to several reasons starting from unhealthy eating habits, over consumption of alcohol, lack of any physical activity, a consequence of any other disease, extreme levels of stress etc. So, basically there can be various reasons that may cause obesity, and hence we need to find the root cause of it to get rid of it completely. Losing weight cannot be an overnight miracle and hence you have to work on yourself continuously to get significant results.
Losing weight is a continuous process. It may frustrate you, but if you lose your mental peace then things are not going to change. So what you have to do is, to stay focused and work hard with dedication, only then you will be able to lose weight significantly and get dream body you desire.
Besides eating healthy and working out regularly, the other effective way to lose weight fast is by using essential oils. The main reason the essential oils work effectively in weight loss is because these oils have got strong physiological and mental influence which helps in the process of losing weight.
Essential oils boost your digestive system and also stimulates the metabolic activities of the body which speeds up the fat burning process. They also boost the energy levels that help you stay focused and work even harder on your body. In addition, essential oils also have a soothing effect on your brain. In fact, it alleviates the mood which helps you tackle with the mental and physiological symptoms of obesity or being overweight much effectively.
If you are wondering about which essential oil to use for weight loss and how to use them, then read on as I am going to discuss everything worth knowing about the top essential oils to lose weight with tips on how to use these essential oils for maximum benefits. Weight loss can never get more interesting than this, so without further delay, let’s dive in.
How to use essential oils to lose weight fast and easily
Essential oils serve a lot of health and beauty benefits with aiding in effective weight loss being the significant one. These oils are magical and can positively influence our body and mind and aid to the weight loss process.
Let us have a look at the top 11 essential oils and learn how to use them to get the maximum benefits in losing weight.
Lemon essential oil for weight loss
You can use lemon essential oil for easy and effective weight loss. Lemon essential oil is mainly extracted from the lemon rind and contains a medicinal compound limonene that makes it a great natural fat dissolver. In fact, in one of the studies conducted in 2013, it was seen that lemon essential oil when mixed with grapefruit essential oil leads to lipolysis or the breaking of the body fats that in turn suppressed unnecessary gain of your body weight.
Lemon essential oil is also the perfect detoxifier that helps get rid of the harmful toxins that may get stored in the fat cells. It also prevents the growth of the parasites in your intestines and facilities better digestion, so all in all it’s a magical stuff.
How to use Lemon essential oil for weight loss
You can get the weight loss benefits of lemon essential oil in three ways. Firstly, you may add 2 drops of it in a glass of water and drink it every morning for proper detoxification and digestion.
Secondly, inhaling the lemon essential oil directly will benefit you by suppressing the hunger cravings.
Lastly, you may massage the oil in the celluloid build up portions of your body after mixing it with any carrier oil like coconut or moringa oil. This removes the harmful toxins and chemicals from the fat cells.
Cinnamon essential oil for weight loss
The other essential oil that helps in effective weight loss is cinnamon essential oil. It is especially beneficial for the diabetic patients as it helps in regulating the blood sugar levels in your body and also controls the glucose tolerance factor. Studies have already shown it to be highly protective of pancreas which is basically the center for insulin regulation.
I am sure you know that excess consumption of artificial sugar is not at all good for our health. It leads to high or unstable glucose levels (diabetes) which in turn results in over eating, lack of any energy and unnecessary weight gain. So, control your sugar cravings with cinnamon essential oil and this is not just effective for diabetic patients, but for all of us who want to lose weight naturally and easily.
How to use Cinnamon essential oil for weight loss
Using cinnamon essential oil for maximum benefits in weight loss is very easy. You can add a little bit of cinnamon essential oil to tea, fruits, smoothies, oats etc before consuming. It helps your system slow down the pace at which glucose is released into your blood stream. This will help prevent diabetes as well as help you shed the extra pounds. You may also mix it with any carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil and massage on your chest and wrists. Inhaling the fragrance also works and so you may diffuse it or inhale it directly from the bottle.
Ginger essential oil for weight loss
Ginger essential oil also forms a part of the list of essential oils to lose weight as it is one of the best in reducing inflammation. This is mainly due to the presence of the compounds called gingerols that are proven to lessen the inflammation in your intestines. Gingerols also help in better absorption of the vitamins and minerals by your body which increases the cellular energy and leads to weight loss.
Ginger essential oil also leads to better digestion that also activates the metabolic process and aids in the process of weight reduction. In one study conducted in 2014, ginger was concluded to be the perfect therapy for the treatment of obesity.
How to use ginger essential oil for weight loss
To get the maximum benefits in losing weight, use it as a flavorings agent in cooking your meals. You can also add two drops of it in warm water and drink it or add few drops in your bath water and soak in it or inhale the fragrances.
Peppermint essential oil for weight loss
Since ages, peppermint essential oil is used to treat indigestion and other issues like stomach bloating, relax stomach muscles etc. The main reason behind that is the presence of the cool medicinal compound menthol which helps to get rid of the gas from the stomach and intestines, and improve your digestive capabilities. Menthol also exerts a strong influence on our neurosensory perceptions that prevents food cravings and unnecessary overeating.
In one study named “Effects of Peppermint Scent on Appetite Control and Calorie Intake“, it was concluded that those who inhaled peppermint oil every 2 hours experienced less hunger cravings in comparison to those who did not. So, you may try this trick on yourself and get the best results.
How to use peppermint essential oil for weight loss
In order to get the maximum benefits in weight loss, you may add 2 drops of peppermint essential oil in a glass of water and drink it before eating your meals. It can also be inhaled from the bottle or from a cotton ball soaked in peppermint essential oil. Lastly, you may add few of the oil into your diffuser. The fresh minty fragrance will keep you energized and help you suppress your hunger cravings.
Grapefruit essential oil for weight loss
Grapefruit essential oil tops the list of essential oils to lose weight and there is ample reason behind that. It works with your body in stimulating the enzymes that effectively breaks the body fat and that leads to weight loss. The peel of the grapefruit also contains D-limonene that leads to better metabolic functioning and also aids in the proper cleaning and drainage of the lymphatic glands.
When you apply the grapefruit essential oil topically, it acts as alymphatic stimulant and as an excellentdiuretic. And, when you mix it with patchouli oil, then it effectively reduces your hunger craving that in turn leads to less calorie intake on a daily basis and helps you to lose weight faster.
How to use Grapefruit essential oil for weight loss
There are several ways of using grapefruit essential oil to get maximum benefits in losing weight. You may mix a little bit of it in your diet. You can also dilute it with water and spray it all over. You may also massage it on your wrist and chest whenever you get hunger cravings. I personally like to mix it with body lotions and massage my body with it. The other option is to diffuse it or inhale it directly from the bottle. So, there are many ways to use it and it totally up to you to choose a method that suits you the best.
Sandalwood essential oil for weight loss
One of the other essential oils to lose weight is sandalwood essential oil. This in fact, is especially important for those who eat more when you are stressed out as sandalwood oil can help you get rid of the negativity and uplift your mood.
The pleasant woody scent is very effective and impacts a medicinal effect on the limbic system of your brain. To be more specific, the portion of the brain that controls the emotions of anger, pleasure, drives hunger, power and more.
In fact, the effect that sandalwood oil has is very psychological.You will automatically feel good and stop depending on good food to uplift the mood and if you are not overeating, you will be able to manage your body weight easily.
How to use Sandalwood essential oil for weight loss
Since earthy scent of the sandalwood scent is so powerful and relaxing, you may inhale it directly and benefit from it. You can also add few drops of it to your diffuser. Lastly, you may rub it directly on your ankles and wrists to suppress mood cravings and let your body relax after a stressful day.
Lavender essential oil for weight loss
Several factors lead to obesity and one such common cause is excessive stress and anxiety. Anxiety is the root cause of obesity and lavender essential oil can help you get rid of stress and anxiety. The primary reason behind that is, as per scientific research, lavender oil has a soothing effect on you and it can calm you down and relive you off the stress and anxiety which in turn prevent emotional overeating. It actually helps your body lower the stress hormone cortisol which leads to further weight loss.
How to use lavender essential oil for weight loss
One of the best ways to get maximum benefits of lavender essential oils to lose weight is by rubbing 2-3 drops of it on your palm and then inhaling the fragrance. You can also directly inhale from the container. Another way is to add few drops of it to your diffuser and let the aroma linger all over your home.
Fennel essential oil for weight loss
Fennel essential oil is one of the best essential oils to lose weight and you must definitely give it a try. In one study which was conducted on rats showed that the group of rats which inhaled the fennel essential oil consumed lesser calories and also had better digestion in comparison to the other group. Hence it was proved that fennel oil can actually give a boost to your digestive system, stimulate metabolic activities and lead to effective weight loss.
However, not just suppressing your appetite, fennel essential oil also has the ability to regulate sleep cycles. This is mainly for the presence of melatonin that regulates circadian rhythms and triggers the wake and sleep cycles of the brain.
By improving proper sleep, it actually improves the functioning of the brain and also improves energy levels and alleviate mood, which contributes to weight loss. In fact, this melatonin as per studies enables your body to create fats which can be burned easily and not get stored which is beneficial to prevent obesity.
How to use fennel essential oil for weight loss
Mix around 1-2 drops of fennel oil in water and drink it before meals. This will lead to better digestion. You may also apply it directly on your wrists and benefit in losing weight.
Eucalyptus essential oil for weight loss
Eucalyptus essential oil can also help in weight loss. This is because eucalyptus essential oil also has the capability to have a soothing effect on your brain and keep you calm, relaxed and stress-free. Hence, you do not need to depend on good food to make you feel good and if you do not overeat, the chances of being overweight will automatically reduce. It also boosts your energy levels that will motivate you to do work outs regularly which will indirectly benefit in your weight reduction process.
How to use eucalyptus essential oil for weight loss
Inhaling eucalyptus essential oil is a good way to get its good effects and so you may add it to your diffuser or inhale it directly from the bottle. This will save you from emotional overeating. Another method of using it is by adding few drops of it to your shower and keeping the drain covered. This will immediately refresh you and make you ready for your weight loss plan.
Orange essential oil for weight loss
You can take the help of the orange essential oil for weight loss as it can suppress your appetite and prevent you from eating too much. It is rich in Vitamin C and has antioxidant properties. Orange essential oil is mostly beneficial against people who are under depression and studies are a proof of that. In fact, if modern research is to be believed then, depression is one of the serious causes of obesity and if you are also one of the many others, then maybe it is time you take the help of orange essential oil.
How to use orange essential oil for weight loss
You may add 1-2 drops of it in water and drink it before you sit to eat. You can also directly inhale it to relax and calm yourself down and avoid overeating.
Frankincense essential oil for weight loss
Frankincense essential oil is included in the list of essential oils to lose weight and there is enough reason for that. Firstly, frankincense essential oil is great for digestion as it helps your body speed up the secretion of the bile and gastric juices that in turn have a positive influence on the metabolic functioning of the body and thus facilities weight loss.
It also leads to peristaltic motion that helps food move smoothly through the intestine which further improves your overall digestion. Frankincense essential oil is also good in helping you calm down your stress and anxiousness.
Thanks to sesquiterpenes, that are molecular structures which cross the blood-brain barrier and ease the negative impacts of depression and anxiety. Hence, you do not feel the need to eat too much to get rid of your problems, thereby controlling your intake of calories.
How to use frankincense essential oil for weight loss
Inhale deep breaths of frankincense essential oil whenever you have hunger pangs. You can also add it to the diffuser to gain the benefits of it.
Precautions one need to take when using essential oils
Essential oils are very effective ingredients and you must know to use them to your advantage. Whenever you are buying an essential oil, try to be very sure that you are buying 100% pure essential oil. It must also have proper labeling with the name of the species clearly mentioned.
However, if you want the best, then go for the organic ones with labeling as “Therapeutic grade” as it means that the oils are free from any kind of harmful chemicals and toxins and are undiluted and unfiltered. Be very much aware of the ingredients that are genetically modified and choose the Non-GMO essential oils only.
These essentials oils for weight loss that we have discussed above are safe but still I will personally request to take doctor’s advise in case you are pregnant or nursing. Also, we know that we all have different skin types and so what may suit me, may not suit you. Hence, it is advisable that you do a little patch test before using the oils and see whether you are have having any allergic reactions or other problems or not. If you find any sign of allergy, anything which is unexpected or unusual, please stop using it.
The bottom line
The problem of obesity is quite serious and one should not take it loosely. Instead, it needs to be act upon from the beginning so that it does get out of hand later. The most effective and natural remedies of reducing weight healthily is by eating balanced diet and by regular exercise. But, side by side you can also try using some of these essential oils to lose weight. Trust me, these essential oils can indirectly contribute a lot to the weight loss mechanism and help you to get back in shape naturally. When used correctly, essential oils can be magical for skin, hair and your overall health.
Most of the essential oils are good for your digestive system. They help your body speed up the metabolic activities which in turn leads to high calorie burn and weight loss. Another way that they work is by exerting a positive influence on your brain. Majority of them have a very enchanting fragrance that soothes your mind and helps you forget all your pains, worries, anxiety etc. which prevents you from emotional overeating and manage your body weight effectively.
We have already discussed about the top 11 essential oils to lose weight fast and how to use them for maximum benefits in today’s post. Inhaling them, adding them to your diffuser, sometimes using them while cooking or massaging the oil on your chest and wrist are the only things you got to do to reap the benefits of these essential oils. I hope you have checked it all and you are going to try some of these essential oils to lose weight.
Did you ever think of taking the help of essential oils to lose weight? If not, then maybe you can give it a try now as these essential oils can help you a lot in shedding the extra pounds that you always wanted to. And, do not forget to share the feedbacks and suggestions after trying these essential oils.
And if you have ever used any of these essential oil as part of your weight loss efforts, then let us know about your experiences of using these essential oils in weight loss.
And finally before I conclude, if you liked this post, then please like, comment and share it with others who may benefit from it.
Until then, I hope that you get the maximum weight loss benefits after using some of these essential oils.